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Showing posts from December, 2018

Phoenix OS Second Monitor Cropped [FIX]

I am a PUBG Mobile PC player. So the best option to play PUBG Mobile on pc is using an Android OS installed on a PC right. So I went with Phoenix OS. It is great for this game, even in highest graphic settings it ran like water, with a great frame rate around 50 to 60 on my very low budget laptop that is considered below average. Though It had a problems with my second monitor. In my laptop screen It was displaying fine as this photo shows here. Main monitor preview before. But we all know low budget laptops usually have the worst displays, so I wanted to play the game on my second monitor that has decent image quality. But as you can see down below it was cropping a part of the image from the right side. Second Monitor preview before fixing. My laptop screen width is 1360px and my second monitor screen width is 1280px So it was cutting out 80px from the right side. I'v searched everywhere on the internet for a solution and...

Hello World

Hello there, My IGN is sParrOw and I'm here to share my gaming experiance with you all. There will be guides fixes reviews and all things related to gaming and me. You can add me on steam, discord or follow me on youtube. Youtube - Steam - Discord - sParrOwEntertainment(sparrow513)#8191